

Attendees WITHOUT an Indiana Government Plate

  • All attendees without a vehicle displaying U.S government or state of Indiana government license plates should plan on utilizing and parking in the following locations: Grant Street Garage, Wood Street Garage, or the Pierce Street Gravel lot. Each location will require a $10 event parking rate (per day).

Attendees WITH an Indiana Government Plate

  • Vehicles displaying U.S. government or state of Indiana government license plates may park in any “A”, “B”, “C” spaces and the Northwestern Garage at no charge.
  • This privilege DOES NOT apply to the following locations: 
    • Designated University Vehicles spaces
    • Grant Street Parking Garage
    • Harrison Street Parking Garage
    • Wood Street Parking Garage
    • Pierce Street Gravel lot 

Attendee Parking Tips

  • Motorists should pull forward into a parking space with the vehicle's license plate facing the drive lane for enforcement purposes. Individuals who back into a parking space or do not have have the license plate visible are subject to receiving a citation.
  • Vehicles may not be stored in any parking lot or garage for longer than 24 hours, unless otherwise indicated, without permission from the Parking Facilities office. Any vehicle in violation of this may be towed at the owner's expense.

Attendee Parking Options

  • Grant Street Parking Garage
Located at 120 N. Grant St., West Lafayette, IN 47906 across from the Purdue Memorial Union.

Visitors will pull a ticket upon entry and be assessed the $10 rate upon exiting. Grant St. Garage accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express. Payments may be made in each of the exit lanes and also in the lobby where a walk up pay station is available.

  • Wood Street Parking Garage

Located at 120 S. Grant St., West Lafayette, IN 47906 across from Young Hall.

Visitors will scan the ParkMobile QR code (see park mobile directions below) and pay the $10 rate upon entry. ParkMobile accepts all forms of payment, Google Pay, Apple Pay, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.

  • Pierce Street Lot

Located at 134 Pierce St., West Lafayette, IN 47906 across from Campus Edge on Pierce Street.

Visitors will scan the ParkMobile QR code (see park mobile directions below) and pay the $10 rate upon entry. ParkMobile accepts all forms of payment, google pay, apple pay, MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.

  • Northwestern Avenue Parking Garage

Located at 504 Northwestern Ave., West Lafayette, IN 47906

Government plated vehicles are permitted to park in this location free of charge. Government plated vehicles should avoid parking in University Vehicle spaces, ParkMobile Spaces, 20 minute LZ spaces, EV Charging Station spaces, etc… All vehicles need to have their license plate facing the drive lane. Vehicles that do NOT have a government plate should utilize Grant Street Parking Garage, Wood Street Parking Garage, or Pierce Street Lot.

ParkMobile ("Metered") Parking

Parking is also available at pay-by-phone areas on campus for short-term visits through the ParkMobile app. To use these parking spaces, download the app, register and create an account including payment information and review available zones. Paid time can be increased through the app.

ParkMobile Resources


Additional information on parking may be found at or by contacting our office at 765-494-9497 or

Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907, (765) 494-4600

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