In January 1913, W. K. Hatt, head of the School of Civil Engineering issued a call for a Civil Engineering Conference to cover the needs of county surveyors and city engineers. Roads and streets were heavily involved. A similar conference was held in 1914 at which a resolution was passed which called for a provision in the laws of Indiana that there be a yearly School of Good Roads. In 1915, the name of the Civil Engineering Conference was changed to the Purdue Road School.
Learn more about the history of The Purdue Road School in Harold L. Michael's March 1989 article, 75 Years Old: The Purdue Road School.
Road School Recaps
Presentations Downloaded Worldwide
The impact of Purdue Road School continues well after each March event and even years later with our archived presentations. Beginning in 2011, session presentations have been archived online, hosted by Purdue Libraries. Over 500 presentations are available to date for download. Visit the Purdue Online Library for Purdue Road School online content.